Hello everyone and welcome to my website
My pledge to residents of Louth North is to work hard to get things done in our community. I have been elected as Vice Chairman of Lincolnshire County Council this year and it usually follows that the Vice Chairman becomes Chairman next year. This is a humbling thought as all my colleagues in Council voted for me.
I still remain the Chairman of the Brexit Committee. It is my belief that we have enough talent in this country to run our own affairs without interference from unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.
These are challenging times and it is most important to have strong leadership, which I pledge to give you as your elected CONSERVATIVE Councillor.
I have lived in Lincolnshire most of my life. I was Head Boy at St James Choir School in Grimsby and have had three successful businesses, one being the renowned Cellars Bar & Restaurant in Louth, which I formed out of derelict cellars and turned into a successful business.
Family is very important to me. I have a son, daughter in law and three grandchildren and a daughter who lives and works in Australia. My wife passed away in 2001 but my partner of 7 years, Trina, is fully supportive of my views and dedication.
Whatever your political views, you can rest assured that I will represent YOU at Lincolnshire County Council and YOUR VOICE will be heard providing always that it is legitimate.
You can contact me by email at Lincolnshire County Council cllrt.bridges@lincolnshire.gov.uk